(Lietuvių) Besiruošiant maratonui: kaip išsirinkti sporto drabužius ir kodėl svarbu atkreipti dėmesį į jų tvarumą?

Besiruošiant maratonui: kaip išsirinkti sporto drabužius ir kodėl svarbu atkreipti dėmesį į jų tvarumą? Stilingi sporto drabužiai – dar vienas netiesioginis būdas motyvuoti save judėti daugiau ir tapti sveikesniems. Užsiimant bet kokiu sportu, įskaitant ir bėgimą, itin svarbu pasirūpinti ne tik stilinga, bet ir aktyviai veiklai tinkama apranga. Artėjant „Rimi Vilniaus maratonui“, kuris sostinėje įvyks jau rugsėjo 12 dieną, fizinio aktyvumo specialistai rekomenduoja pasirūpinti kūno savybėms ir bėgimo aplinkybėms pritaikyta avalyne, taip pat atsižvelgti į sportinės aprangos audinio sudėtį. Mados tendencijų analitikė Marija Palaikytė atkreipia dėmesį ir į medžiagų tvarumą – pataria rinktis kokybiškus, ilgiau tarnaujančius drabužius bei pasakoja, kaip atskirti tvarias mados prekes. Avalynė – ir pagal kūno savybes, ir pagal dangą Galima pastebėti, kad renkantis bėgimo drabužius, dažniau žmonės dėmesį skiria jų išvaizdai ir rečiau paskirčiai bei techniniams parametrams. Mėgėjiškas sportas tampa vis populiaresnis, o sportiniai renginiai jų dalyviams tampa laukiama švente, per kurią norisi atrodyti gražiai. Vis dėlto, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės visuomenės sveikatos biuro Visuomenės sveikatos stiprinimo skyriaus fizinio aktyvumo programų koordinatorė Aneta Možeiko pastebi, kad sportiniai drabužiai ir avalynė pirmiausia turėtų būti patogūs ir užtikrinti efektyvų judėjimą. Anot specialistės, renkantis drabužius bei sportinę avalynę bėgimo treniruotėms ar varžyboms svarbu atkreipti dėmesį į savo fizines kūno savybes (pėdos būklę,

„Rimi Vilniaus maratone“ amžius – nesvarbu: bėgime dalyvauja tiek senjorai, tiek vos vaikščioti pradėję vaikai

Geriausias vaistas nuo pandemijos sukelto nerimo – bėgimas Šių metų pradžioje atliktas visuomenės tyrimas atskleidė, jog nerimo lygis jaunų žmonių grupėje pasiekė neregėtas aukštumas. Dėl socialinių poreikių netenkinimo ir kitų taikomų priemonių pagrįstumo auga pyktis, kuris ypač kenksmingas visuomenės sutelktumui ir jos fizinei bei psichinei sveikatai. Pasak Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės visuomenės sveikatos biuro „Vilnius sveikiau“ organizuojamos programos „Ruoškis bėgti“ koordinatorės Ingridos Voicechovskos, bėgimas – vienas efektyviausių ir pigiausių būdų suvaldyti nerimą ir pagerinti fizinę bei emocinę sveikatą. Bėgimas – ne tik svorio metimui Nors bėgimas – puikus būdas stiprinti kūno raumenis, tai ne vienintelis šio judėjimo pliusas. Programos „Ruoškis bėgti“ koordinatorė, bėgikė Ingrida Voicechovska sako, kad bėgimas stiprina viso kūno sveikatą – gerina virškinimą, stiprina širdį ir kraujotakos sistemos veiką, mažiną aukštą kraujo spaudimą, stiprina sausgysles bei raiščius. Bėgdami taip pat sulėtinsite senėjimo procesus – bėgant organizme gerėja kraujo pratekėjimas į odą bei deguonies ir maistinių medžiagų pasisavinimas. „Bėgimas – tarsi meditacija. Kai kūnas juda, turime galimybę pailsinti mintis ir leisti joms „atsikvėpti“ nuo visų rūpesčių. Tai galimybė atsikratyti įtampos ir streso“, – sako I. Voicechovska. Jai pritaria ir ilgų nuotolių bėgikas Egidijus Adomkaitis, vos per ketverius metus tapęs vienu greičiausių bėgikų šalyje. „Pradėjus reguliariai bėgioti ne tik dingo nereikalingi

Bėgimas ir mityba su med. m. dr. Edita Gavelienė _ Rimi “Rinkis sveikiau” 🫑

Pasaulinės sveikatos organizacijos (PSO) teigimu, per savaitę reikėtų aktyviai judėti nors pustrečios valandos. Ne mažiau už judėjimą svarbu derinti mitybą. Apie tai, koks ryšys sieja fizinį krūvį ir maisto pasirinkimą, papasakojo med. m. dr. Edita Gavelienė, gydytoja dietologė, „Rimi“ sveikatai palankios mitybos konsultantė.   Gydytoja, ar tikrai sportas yra sveikata? Visų pirma, nereikia lyginti profesionalaus sporto su kasdieniu judėjimu. Juk profesionalus sportas yra veikla, kuria kai kurie užsiima nuo mažų dienų. Atletams tai yra karjera ir pragyvenimo šaltinis. Kaip ir kiekviename darbe, sportininkai siekia rezultatų, neretai daug didesne kaina. Būna, kad tai baigiasi nemaloniomis pasekmėmis, tokiomis kaip traumos. Jos dažniausiai patiriamos nuo per didelio ar neapgalvoto krūvio. Tuo tarpu kasdienis reguliarus ir organizmui pritaikytas judėjimas yra labai naudingas. Mokslo tyrimais įrodyta, jog jis gerina širdies, kraujagyslių, vidaus organų ir net smegenų veiklą. Be to, mažina stresą ir padeda atsipalaiduoti. Kokius namų darbus svarbu atlikti prieš pradedant sportuoti? Svarbiausia, laiku pasitikrinti sveikatą. Būtina nustatyti, ar nėra jokių lėtinių sveikatos bėdų, kurios, padidinus krūvį, galėtų paūmėti. Šis reikalavimas ypač taikytinas vyresniems nei 45 metų žmonėms. Taip pat verta rinktis malonumą teikiančią ir patogią judėjimo formą. Tai neturėtų tapti prievole, tai turėtų būti kasdien laukiamas įvykis, kuris nesukelia papildomų rūpesčių. Dar patarčiau nusistatyti realius tikslus.

Participants of the virtual Christmas run will be able to enjoy the most beautiful Christmas tree in Europe

The Vilnius Christmas Run, which is being held for the 45th year in a row, will take place in the form of a virtual run for the first time this year. Participants will be able to run their distance in the location of their choice. Runners who choose to run the track in Vilnius as every year will have the opportunity to admire the famous Christmas tree of Vilnius. The festive winter running tradition, which dates back to 1975, has been successfully continued by running enthusiasts to this day. Every year the running takes place in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, where runners are enjoying the festive decorations of the city and the Christmas mood. Nevertheless, this year the extraordinary situation in the whole world, including Lithuania, has forced to change the format of traditional running. Vilnius Christmas Run 2020 will take place virtually this year. Virtual run is a running event format in which participants run individually at a location of their choice and the running results (time and distance) are recorded with an app or smartwatch. This year, participants will be able to create a Christmas mood throughout the country. And those who will traditionally run in Vilnius

“Rimi Vilnius Marathon” 2021 – a part of the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Rankings

„Rimi Vilnius marathon“ will be a part of ABBOTT  from 2021. The AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Rankings comprise a one-year qualifying period during which athletes in nine separate age groups can compete in 175 marathons across the world to earn ranking points. The qualification list includes the biggest marathons in the world such as Berlin, Boston, New York, London, Tokyo and Chicago, as well as many other marathons around the world. Competing in their own age group the runners earn ranking points which determine their place in the global rankings. The leaders get the chance to participate in the world championship of all age groups among the best runners. Read more about ABBOTT here: https://www.vilniausmaratonas.lt/en/dalyviams/amziaus-grupiu-reitingas/                          

Vilnius marathon 2020 will happen as planned – this year the biggest running celebration will go on for two days straight

Vilnius marathon 2020 changes The news about Vilnius marathon 2020 are finally here – the running event will happen in September as planned! This year the biggest running celebration will go on for two days straight. DATE Vilnius marathon 2020 was planned to take place only on September 13th. However, due to the worldwide pandemic the requirements for the mass events in Lithuania have changed. Thus, Vilnius marathon 2020 will last for 2 days straight – from September 12th to 13th. Two days of the event are enough to keep the safe number of the participants at the separate starts of all the distances. LOCATION As planned, Vilnius marathon 2020 will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania. The activities zone will be in the Cathedral Square, as well as the starts and the finishes of all the distances. STARTS To ensure the safety of the participants in the starts, there may be a possibility to have 2 starts for every distance, except marathon distance. All the participants registered till June 22nd are included to the first start of their distance. After June 22nd, when the allowed number of the participants is reached, the newly registered participants will be included in the

Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon retains its long-standing general partner

“Danske Bank” has extended its cooperation agreement with “International Marathon” and together will organize the largest running event in Lithuania for three more years. “Vilnius Marathon has long-standing traditions, however, the quality of the event we associate with the involvement of the Danske Bank. Our and partner values ​​and attitudes towards the biggest running race in the country, as a celebration for the participants, coincide. Over the years, the event has grown and we are setting ambitious plans for the future. Last year we dramatically reduced race course elevation which opened new opportunities for our athletes seeking high results. This year we expect to offer a single lap marathon course,” said race director Darius Valavičius. Vilnius is becoming a more attractive city for sports tourists, and the marathon is a significant contributor to this. The organizers’ plans include a seek of the „Broze label“ race status. That will map out Vilnius among world’s best running events destinations. Annually, around 1,400 sports tourists from 55 countries come to run historic streets of Vilnius. Vilnius Marathon has been associated with Danske Bank for 7 years, out of 15 years of experience. Through this time, the number of participants increased from 202 marathon runners

Registration to the Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon is open!

Register to the Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon now! Registration

Marathon in Vilnius announces Team Cup

Team cup – is a team competition, which awards the fastest running team. In total, 10 team members race in general marathon, half marathon and 10 km distance races in 2018 Danske Bank Vilnius marathon. They results are counted transferred into scores. At the end of the race each team score is counted and the best selected. Read more about the rules here: https://www.vilniausmaratonas.lt/en/komandu-taure/  

Special offers for runners!

Take time after your glorious run to celebrate the amazing day! Together with local cafes and restaurants we created a list of special offers for runners. Visit September 10th and don’t forget to bring your medal and/or participant number! GO9 It is obvious that number 9 is magical! Not only for shopping centers, but for runners as well. If you have number 9 in your participant number, come to GO9 on September 10, 2017 and drink coffee for free. Visit The Juice Room and get 100 ml juice for free! Participants: Studio 9 The Juice Room (juice) Yogoland MonAmi Huracán Coffee VR cafe AJ Šokoladas Plus Plus Plus Gedimino av. 9, Vilnius (Shopping Center „GO9“), working hours on September 10th – 8.00-22.00. The Juice Room The is nothing better for your health than a cup of fresh vitamins! Visit The Juice Room with your participant number and receive 10% discount. Gedimino av. 9, Vilnius (Shopping Center „GO9“), working hours on September 10th  – 10.00-21.00 Yogoland Healhy desserts for healthy people! Come to Yogoland, show your participant number and get -10% off for the healthiest frozen yogurt. Valid on September 10, 2017. Gedimino av. 9, Vilnius (Shopping Center „GO9“), working hours on September 10th  – 8.00-22.00 VR cafe When you finish running

Travel by train with -50% discount!

Participants of “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” will be able to travel to the event with a 50% discount for a train ticket. Hurry up to register and buy your train tickets for September 10th! Terms and conditions: 50% discount can be ONLY applied on www.traukiniobilietas.lt/portal/en (buying online). Discount is valid for train travels to Vilnius and from Vilnius on September 10, 2017 for participants of Marathon, “RIMI Half Marathon”, “EUROCASH1 10k Run”, “RIMI Family 4.2km” Run, “CORNY Students’s Run”, “#BEACTIVE Childern’s Run” Discount on September 9, 2017  is available for participants of Marathon and “RIMI Half Marathon” for train tickets to Vilnius. Discounts are added up. If participant is eligible for students’ discount, an additional discount of 50% is calculated from the the price after primary discount. Traveler has to show a registration confirmation letter and a valid student ID (if eligible to additional discount) to the ticket conductor.

Medal is almost in your hands!

We kindly invite you to take a look at the brand new medal of “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” 2017. Every participant of Marathon, “RIMI Half Marathon”, “EUROCASH 10k Run”, “RIMI Family” 4,2km Run, “#BEACTIVE Children’s Run” will receive one just after the finish. Registration to all of the mentioned race courses can be found here. During the event, participants will be able to buy a service of medal engravement with personal running time for the additional fee of 3 Eur. Ministerija.lt engraving service will be available in the Cathedral square.

Run with a personalized number!

Register until August 1st and run with a personalized number with your name on September 10th, 2017*. Click here to register to “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon”. *In order to receive a personalized number, participants of “CORNY Students’ Run” have to register until July 25th

Register until 05.31 and save!

A little more than 100 days until “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” left. Hurry up to register until the end of May and save money for the registration fee. Prices will be changed on June 1st. 09.11-12.31 01.01-05.31 06.01-08.31 09.01-09.09 09.10 MARATHON 25 EUR 35 EUR 45 EUR 49 EUR 54 EUR “RIMI HALF MARATHON” 18 EUR 24 EUR 30 EUR 35 EUR 39 EUR 10 KM  RUN 13 EUR 16 EUR 20 EUR 25 EUR 29 EUR “RIMI FAMILY“ 4,2 KM RUN  5 EUR 7 EUR 8 EUR 9 EUR 14 EUR “RIMI FAMILY“ 4,2 KM RUN (FOR PARTICIPANTS UNDER 18) 3 EUR 4 EUR 5 EUR 5 EUR 5 EUR  “CORNY STUDENTS’ RUN“  Free of charge  Free of charge  Free of charge  Free of charge  Free of charge  “”#BEACTIVE CHILDREN’S RUN”“  3 EUR  4 EUR  5 EUR  5 EUR  5 EUR

We wish you merry Christmas !

Dear fellow runners around the world, We wish you merry Christmas from Vilnius! But most importantly, let‘s run together „Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon“ next year on September 10th!

Fill the opinion survey. Make 2017 even better!

We kindly invite all the participants to fill the opinion survey of “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” 2016. You can help create a better running event in 2017! You can find the survey here.

Registration to “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” is OPEN!

Take up a new challenge and register for the 14th “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon”, set to take place on September 10th, 2017. Bravely go after your goals, conquer yourself and your competitors once again! Register HERE.


“Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” is a feast not only for runners but for fans as well. Have you seen a good feast without entertainment, perfect mood and unforgettable music? We neither! “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” is giving you all of that on September 11, 2016. Don’t miss it! “PO AŠTUNTOS” First runners will be greeted next to the Green Bridge with live music by “Po aštuntos”. Saxophone, guitar, drums and a wonderful voice of a vocalist Neringa will inspire you from your first steps of the race. DJ MANTAIPATINKA Everyone running by the White Bridge will be accompanied with DJ “Mantaipatinka” rhythms. FREE MUSIC ZONE Participants will run by the free music zone next to Žvėrynas bridge. We’ll play various energizing music to inspire your greatest run! “DANSKE BANK” FANS We promise you that you will hear the loudest cheers when running by the “Danske Bank” IT centre. Fans of the biggest running team of the event certainly know what it takes to motivate you until the finish line! “BLACK WATER” You will hear sounds of a wonderful DJ duet while running in A. Goštautas street, next to the White Bridge. They are both active in sports so they know what music fits

Medals of Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon hold many symbolic meanings

This year all finishers of “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” will be rewarded with unique medals: howling iron wolf symbolizes city of Vilnius, impetuosity and freedom. The essence of marathon fits in its meaning: participants rush forwards outrunning time and themselves as a wolf’s howl rushes through silence or city noise. Twelve of the angles of the medal – all year-long your and our preparation for the biggest running event in Lithuania.  

Get your participant’s bag in the LP Express terminal

Anyone who registers to Marathon, “RIMI Half Marathon”, “Švyturio Baltas Nealkoholinis 10km run”, “RIMI Family” 4,2km run and “#BEACTIVE Children’s Run” from now until August 24, will have a chance to collect participant’s bag in the nearest LP Express terminal (only in Lithuania). You can select LP Express delivery during the registration. Delivery fee is 2,50 EUR.

Register and get a personal bib number with your name!

Anyone who registers to Marathon, “RIMI Half Marathon”, “Švyturio Baltas Nealkoholinis 10km run”, “RIMI Family” 4,2km run, “LEMON GYM Students’ Run” and “#BEACTIVE Children’s Run” until August 1st will get a personal participant’s number with name on it.

Certified 5-Star Race

“Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” 2016 has been approved by our National Member Federation as a 5 star race. It is the biggest running event in Lithuania. Runners begin their distance in the very heart of the capital – Cathedral square. From the starting line they move along Vilnius biggest river – Neris. It takes all the participants to the green part of the city – Vingis park. And we saved the best for last – old town with it’s UNESCO heritage sights, gorgeous streets, views and landscapes. Lithuania and Vilnius are flat, though runners will deal with a few ups and downs on their way in order to enjoy the scenery. Marathon runners have to make two laps of a track, for a total of 42,195 km.

Win official “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” T-Shirt!

Participate in the following contest and win official “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” 2015 T-Shirt! How to become a participant? All you have to do is to complete the same distance as you did in “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” 2015 faster. Rules: You don’t have to run the exact same course as during “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” 2015. Your chosen running course’s distance has to be the same (or a little longer) as the one you completed in “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” 2015. What matters is for you to finish faster than you did during the event. Capture your result in a picture or a screenshot and post its link to the official “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” Facebook page. You are eligible to participate in this contest if you successfully finished the race course of Marathon, “Teo” Half Marathon, “Rimi Family” 4,2km Run or “CanCan” students’ Run. We will give away a T-Shirt for 2 most “Liked” commentators (1 for each). 1 additional winner will be chosen by “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” staff. Winners will be announced on December 11th in the comments of the contest post in official “Danske Bank Vilnius Marthon” Facebook page. The amount and variety of T-Shirt sizes are limited. Results of

Registration to the 40th Christmas Run is open!

We invite you to join the 40th Eurovaistinė Christmas Run and to challege yourselves in winter cold. This year running event is going to be held on December 27. Participants will we able to compete in 12, 6 or 3 km race courses. The youngest runners will compete in 200 m run.   Since 1976 running enthusiasts gather to see their fellow runners for the last time that year. First of all, Christmas Run is a celebration, nevertheless, all the passionate runners can compete to each other and others just to enjoy running the streets of Vilnius. Eurovaistinė Christmas Run has a fun tradition: some of the runners dress up as Santa Clauses, Snow Whites or Christmas dwarfs and every year surprise guests of the event with their original costumes.  

Winner of “Teo” Half Marathon qualifies for Rio 2016

On October 25th Valdas Dopolskas completed Frankfurt Marathon in 02:16:35 and qualified for Rio 2016. Qualifying standard for marathon (men) in the upcoming Olympics is 02:17:00. Frankfurt Marathon is very successful for Lithuanian athletes not for the first time: in 1997 Česlovas Kundrotas finished the race course in 02:12:35 and he holds Lithuanian record for marathon since then. Valdas Dopolskas is the winner of “Teo” Half Marathon which was held during “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” on September 13, 2015. He completed the race in 01:07:29 and beat his personal best time. For more information, visit official page of Frankfurt Marathon.

Preparation for “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” 2016

Preparation for “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon“ 2016 starts now. The registration has already started and the first one to register was Remigijus Kančys, the winner of “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon“ 2014. Only a few weeks ago he beat his own record and qualified for Rio 2016.  Organisers of the upcoming event promise  even more guests from all over the world and even more serious competitors for marathon runners. “By registering I want to encourage everyone to run your chosen distances, to challenge yourselves and to start doing sports if you haven’t already done that” – motivates Remigijus Kančys. “You have almost one year. Start preparing right now and I believe that you will surprise not only everyone around you but also yourselves”. For those who are going to run their first marathon, athlete suggests to assess their capabilities  first. It is suggested to have already run 21 km for a few times before, to train consistently and not to overdo during the final days before marathon. He points out that before going to the start line you have to know exactly why you are doing it. Encouraging to prepare responsibly According to Darius Mikulis, director of Public Institution “Tarptautinis maratonas” which is organising

Registration Starts Now!

The biggest running event “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” comes back to the streets of Vilnius on September 11, 2016. Next year is going to be the 13th time when the event invites runners from all over the world to join the enthusiastic crowd of participants. In 2015 “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” gathered 16 602 participants from 49 states, thousands of cheering fans and city guests. The running community was joined by over 450 volunteers. We invite you to become an important part of “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” and to write the Lithuanian history of running together! You can register here. Don’t forget to join our Facebook for the latest updates and tips regarding your preparation!

Registration to “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” 2016 starts soon!

Only a month ago we all cheered the participants of “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” 2015, the biggest running event in Lithuania. We already know the day when all the runners are going to fill the streets of Vilnius again. We are eager to see you in “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” on September 11th! We can’t wait for the day to come! Registration for the next year’s event starts in 4 days – this Friday, October 16th!

Chicago marathon: successful race for Monika Juodeškaitė!

Another succesful October 11th’s race! Monika Juodeškaitė completed Chicago Marathon in 02:34:29. We remind you that entry standard for Rio 2016 marathon (women) is 2:42:00. Congratulations to Monika!   Chicago Marathon is a major marathon held yearly in Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, United States since 1977.  It is known for its largely fast and flat course which facilitates the pursuit of personal records and world record performances. This marathon is considered an elite event: the race is limited to 45,000 runners and only runners who finish within 6½ hours are officially timed. For more information and results, visit the official page of Chicago Marathon.

Military World Games 2015: Rasa Drazdauskaitė finishes 6th!

Congratulations to Rasa Drazdauskaitė! Last night, during the 6th CISM Games in South Korea, she completed a marathon in 2:36:48 and was 6th! The Military World Games is a multi-sport event for military sportspeople, organized by the International Military Sports Council(CISM). The Games have been held since 1995 every 4 years. The event is traditionally held one year before the Olympics. Photograph by Augustas Didžgalvis  

Winner of “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” goes to Rio 2016!

Congratulations to Remigijus Kančys, the winner of “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” (2014) for qualifying to Rio 2016! On September 27th Remigijus Kančys participated in Berlin Marathon. He completed the race course in 02:15:34 and took the 28th place. He beat his own best time and was the first one in 18 years to come close to the Lithuanian marathon record of 02:12:35 which is being held by Česlovas Kundrotas since 1997 Frankfurt Marathon. Photograph by Augustas Didžgalvis


Information concerning the medal engraving. We’ve already received your medals! We are currently collecting and systemizing all of the data: which of the medals are already engraved and which of the ones we received have to have their information specified. Tomorrow we’ll have a list of participants  who can already take back their engraved medals. Those of participants, who paid for the service but have not yet brought it to engrave the medals, can bring it to our office (Vytenis str. 50, Vilnius). We’ll make sure that your medals are engraved and sent back to you by post. I you haven’t paid for the engraving but you still want to have a medal with your personal time on your medal, we invite you to contact “Sparti reklama”. We apologize for inconvenience.


Winners of “Teo” Half Marathon were awarded with medals and cash prizes. Because of the mistakes made during the printing process the amounts of money on the symbolic checks were listed incorrectly – the half marathon prizes were as big as the ones supposed to be given to the full marathon race course winners. During all the communication processes it was stated that the prizes of marathon and half marathon winners are going to be different. It is understood why the winners of “Teo” Half Marathon seemed a little confused. IT company “Teo” which provided the awards has decided to pay the winners the amount of money that was printed on each of their symbolic checks. We are grateful to “Teo” and congratulate all the winners of “Teo” Half Marathon!  


We are sorry to inform you that on September 13, 2015 a man passed away while running the half marathon. He was Lithuanian Land Force hussars King Mindaugas Battalion Chief of Staff, Major Vytautas Burokas. On the behalf of the organizing team we express our condolences to the family. We cincerely thank all the volunteers, ambulance doctors and the participants of the event, who quickly performed the first aid for the decedent. We declare the information privided by the witnesses of the accident: Around 10:19AM mobile first aid volunteer noticed a participant who has fallen down on the 15th kilometre of the race course. By that time another participant was already by his side and trying to help a man who was already unconscious. The volunteer immediately called the ambulance. The doctors arrived in around 4 minutes. Personnel of the ambulance intubated the participant and performed the heart massage. After 15 minutes of attempts to revive the man outside, he was taken to the  hospital. Sadly, after 45 more minutes of attempts to revive V.B. has passed away. Darius Mikulis Director of Public institution “Tarptautinis maratonas”


If you are participating in marathon, “Teo” Half Marathon or “Magne B6. 10km” run, when picking your starting package up you’ll receive a sticker with your estimated finish time. Before the start all the participants will be lined up according to the stickers they have put on their race numbers. Sticker must be put on the right lower corner of the number (as seen in the picture). Your bib number must be attached on the front side of your T-Shirt!


If you prefer having your own snacks and drinks on the course, be sure to bring them to the registration booth not less than 1 hour before the start. It is necessary to clearly indicate your starting number and the zone number where you would like to have your food and drinks located.  


Everyone is invited to do a good deed during “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon”! In the heart of the Vilnius old town –Cathedral square – thousands of people are going to gather for “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon”. Special attention is going to be set to an initiative “Būk geras” (“Be Good”) which is aiming to show the society blood diseases’ treatment’s and bone marrow donation ‘s problems. Also, it is going to complement to making Lithuanian unrelated bone marrow donor register bigger – everyone is invited to do a good deed ant to register to it. “I was surprised to find out that it is so easy to become a bone marrow donor and what a simple procedure the donating is. After it you start feeling that you’ve made something so unreal and simple at the same time. It’s unreal because you’ve just saved someone’s life and simple because you didn’t have to do anything – everything was done by the team of doctors. I want this to be understood by more people” reveals Edvinas who became a donor to give his bone marrows to a little girl just a year ago. Edvinas was encouraged to become a donor 5 years


Organisers of the 12th  „Danske Bank Vilnius marathon“ are hoping to beat their own records again! The event is expected to attract over 15 000 participants this year. It is probably the most massive sports event in Lithuania and it already has 50% more foreign participants than a year ago: 1000 participants from more than 40 countries. In contrast, there were only 1000 participants (in total!) during the first marathon 12  years ago.


Famous athletes are sure: it doesn‘t matter which kinf of sports you do, running is an essential part of every workout. Badminton player Kęstutis Navickas, cyclist Tomas Vaitkus, rowers Donata Vištartaitė and Milda Valčiukaitė, pentathlete Emilija Serapinaitė – all of these professionals run daily in order to strengthen their muscles and to prepare for the most important starts. Athletes gladly accepted an invitation from Vlada Musvydaitė to participate in “Danske Bank Vilnius Maraton‘s“ „Magne B6.10 km“ Run and to motivate other running enthusiasts, also the ones who are still thinking that they are not yet prepared to participate. “This is not the first time that I am going to participate in a running race, I’ve already won Nida Half Marathon’s 10km race. This time I am going to have another mission – to run and to support Vlada who is going to be an interactive presenter of the event and will be talking during all 10km. The main aim is to motivate everyone and to show that 10km can be run in a pace which is suitable for talking with fellow runners” said Donata Vištartaitė. Badminton player Kęstutis Navickas says that a 10 km race course is equal to around


While in preparation for this Sunday’s “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon”, there are going to be organised exclusive activities, called “Prepare For Marathon”. The activities are going to be held by singer Ingrida Žiliūtė who is planning to run a marathon this year. She’ll be joined by the short musical festival’s “MfESt” creative group. They’ll talk about how Ingrida and other artists are preparing for the second “marathon” – musical festival’s premiere in Vilnius in the middle of September. During the socially active event it is going to be talked about healthy recipes. “Prepare For Marathon” enthusiasts will not only hear the useful information which concerns the running but also lots of interesting details about musicals. Participants will receive free and specially made all natural energy cocktails. According to Ingrida Žiliūtė, it is essential to eat right before running very long distances: “A person who runs long distances burns lots of calories. These cold pressed cocktails are conservative-free and are one of the best ways to gain energy (in contrary to artificial mixtures bought by women who seek to lose weight).” This famous woman started talking about dieting not without a reason. This is the topic that she and “MfESt” creative


For the first time in “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon” “Perlas pace runners” for the full marathon race course are going to be “Noskrien” running  club members from Latvia. They are going to run in an even pace in order to finish in a given period of time: 3.00, 3.15, 3.30, 3.45, 4.00, 4.30 or 5.00 hours. One of the pace runners Ilona Fridmane tells us that not only pace runners help to finish in a given period of time but also try their best to motivate other runners when they are in the biggest need. Pace runners make sure to keep an even pace throughout the race course. Is their exercise routine any different from other runners’? We exercise daily as any other runners. Specific pace runner experience is gained during the events. The only difference is that a pace runner who is supposed to finish the race course in, for example, 4 hours, can actually do it 20-40 minutes faster. Pace runners know all the course and control the running time. They have runners’ watches in which they follow all kinds of data. They will always know where the closest refreshment station is, keep an eye on fellow runners’


“Smart taxi” is offering a special discount to all marathon participants and spectators on the day of the event. Tell promotion code “20” to taxi driver in the end of your trip and recieve 20% discount. Reserve your taxi in advance by calling 1820 or on the website www.smarttaxi.lt

Advance number pick-up

Advance number pick-up will take place in a special registration booth in Cathedral Square. It will be open from the 8 – 12 September, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.It is also possible to collect your starting package on the day of the event from 7 a.m. in a special registration booth in the Cathedral Square. You will also be able to register for the “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon“ there. Don’t forget that after finishing the running course you can come back to the Cathedral square to have your medal engraved with your time.

Introduce yourself to the programme of „Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon“ 2015

Detailed programme of the event: 7:00 Registration, information centre and safety storage are open 8:30 Registration for Marathon and “Teo” Half Marathon is closed 8:45 IMPULS warmup 8:50 Participants start taking up their starting positions 8:52 Welcome speech by Vilnius Mayor 8:55 National anthem of Lithuania 9:00 Marathon and “Teo” Half Marathon START 9:15 “Lietuvos paštas” Team Relay race START 10:40 “Teo” Half Marathon awards 11:40 Marathon men awards 12:00 Baby strollers Run 12:10 “Lietuvos paštas” Team Relay race awards 12:30 Marathon women awards 13:00 “#BEACTIVE Children’s Run” (Age group: 2-4 years) 13:10 “#BEACTIVE Children’s Run” (Age group: 5-7 years) 13:20 “#BEACTIVE Children’s Run” (Age group: 8-12 years) 13:30 Registration for “Magne B6. 10 km” Run is closed 13:40 IMPULS warmup 14:00  “Magne B6. 10 km” Run START 14:50  “Magne B6. 10 km” Run awards 15:00  Registration for “RIMI Family” 4,2 km Run is closed 15:15 IMPULS warmup 15:30 “RIMI Family” 4,2 km Run START 16:00 “RIMI Family” 4,2 km Run awards 17:00 End of the programme